Marine life in the coral reefs

Despite making up less than 1% of the marine environment, coral reefs support almost 25% marine species and the coral triangle is no different. The Coral Triangle is recognized as the world’s most diverse marine environment. It is home to a vibrant biodiversity including 75% coral species, 53% of the world’s coral reefs, over 3000 types of reef fish, 6 out 7 of the world’s marine turtle species and it is often frequented by Whales, Dolphins, Dugongs and Whale Sharks, which goes to the coral triangle to feed, breed and migrate. The Coral Triangle is also home to the Coelacanth – the world’s oldest fish species that was thought to be extinct with the Dinosaurs.

Species in the Coral Triangle

In addition to marine animals, the Coral Triangle is also home to 75% of the world’s mangrove species, supporting extensive mangroves belt. It is also flourished with seagrasses which provide vital nursery areas and habitats for many juvenile marine species such as fishes and invertebrates.