Category Archives: general
Week 1. Reading & homework
Read [Linoff & Berry] chap. 1 & 2. Reading is like text mining — you should not memorise every line. Skim the text to look for “good stuff”, i.e. read purposefully. But what is the purpose of reading [Linoff & … Continue reading
Week 1. Introduction to the course
There are two data mining courses offered in the School: a technical course offered in the MSc Information Systems programme (CI6227 Data Mining) a practical course (this course, K6225) using a how-to-do-it, how-does-it-work and how-to-apply-it kind of approach, with a … Continue reading
Purpose of the blog
This blog is for the course K6225 Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining in the MSc Knowledge Management programme offered in the School of Communication & Information. The blog was set up for 3 purposes: pedagogical purpose: to be an additional … Continue reading