Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week 5. Model building using linear regression

Students learn how to construct a prediction model incrementally using stepwise linear regression. They also learn: about data preparation, and converting categorical variables into a set of dummy variables with numerical values of 0 and 1 the concept of interaction: 2 … Continue reading

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Week 2. Introduction to statistical analysis

In the lab session, students are introduced to the SPSS statistical software. This is used to carry out bivariate analysis: between a quantitative variable (salary) and categorical variable (e.g. type of library) using t-test between two quantitative variables (e.g. salary … Continue reading

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Week 1. Exploratory analysis using Microsoft Excel

The first few labs will make use of Salary Survey data from the Library Association to learn basic statistical analysis. In the first lab, students make use of MS Excel to explore bivariate relations — between annual income (target variable) … Continue reading

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Week 1. Difficulty level of the course

Students will tell you that this is a difficult but useful course — possibly the most difficult course in the KM programme. I think students find the course difficult for 2 reasons: Other courses in the KM programme are management oriented, … Continue reading

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