
This blog serves

  • to inform and update the NTU community on developments & issues related to scholarly communication, such as copyrights, data management, open access, publishing, and
  • as a quick guide to publishers’ self-archiving policies with regard to depositing journal articles and conference papers in DR-NTU.

Browse / Search Publishers’ Self-archiving Policies

Select “Copyright Holder” from the drop down list at right panel, to search by publisher names.

Select “Journals” from the drop down list at right panel, to search by journal titles, abbreviated titles, or ISSN.

Select “Conference” from the drop down list at right panel, to search by Conference name, proceeding titles, abbreviated titles, or ISSN.

Note that the list of copyright owners and their journals in here is limited. Users are welcome to suggest new titles or copyright owners to be added to the blog.

Disclaimer : As publishers’ policies may change substantially over time and such amendments cannot be automatically updated on this blog, we recommend that this resource is used only as the first point of reference.

Useful Resources: