Monthly Archives: December 2010

Achieving A Sustainable Advantage

Why is Singapore Airlines still a great way to fly, despite the fierce competition from regional airlines and low-cost carriers offering rock-bottom prices? How is it able to achieve its sustainable advantage amidst a competitive airline industry?

The authors of the following article explore the nature of the airline’s human resource management practices that allows it achieve consistent service excellence and maintain a competitive edge.

Heracleous, L., & Wirtz, J. (2009). Strategy and organization at Singapore Airlines: Achieving sustainable advantage through dual strategy. [doi:DOI: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2008.11.011]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 15(6), 274-279.

Click here to read full article.

Exxon Mobil

Read articles on Exxon Mobil & Sustainable Development.To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.
The search will include the following databases:- ABI/INFORM
– Accounting & Tax
– Dissertations & Theses
– Entrepreneurship.
This search includes the following databases:
– Academic Search Premier
– Business Source Premie
– EconLit with Full Text
– Sustainability Reference Center (Trial)
– Sustainability Watch (Trial)
– GreenFILE
– British Library Document Supply Centre InsideSerials & Conference Proceedings
For more information on Energy, Environment & Exxon Mobil, visit Exxon Mobil’s corporate website here.


Read articles on Nokia & Sustainable Development.To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.



The search will include the following databases:
-Accounting & Tax
-Dissertations & Theses
This search includes the following databases:
– Academic Search Premier
– Business Source Premie
– EconLit with Full Text
– Sustainability Reference Center (Trial)
– Sustainability Watch (Trial)
– GreenFILE
– British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings
For more information on Energy, Environment & Nokia, visit Nokia’s corporate website here.


Read articles on Barclays & Sustainable Development.To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.



The search will include the following databases:
-Accounting & Tax
-Dissertations & Theses
This search includes the following databases:
– Academic Search Premier
– Business Source Premie
– EconLit with Full Text
– Sustainability Reference Center (Trial)
– Sustainability Watch (Trial)
– GreenFILE
– British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings
For more information on Energy, Environment & Barclays, visit Barclays’s corporate website here.


Read articles on Toshiba & Sustainable Development.To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.

The search will include the following databases:
-Accounting & Tax
-Dissertations & Theses
This search includes the following databases:
– Academic Search Premier
– Business Source Premie
– EconLit with Full Text
– Sustainability Reference Center (Trial)
– Sustainability Watch (Trial)
– GreenFILE
– British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings
For more information on Energy, Environment & Toshiba, visit Toshiba’s corporate website here.


Read articles on Novartis & Sustainable Development.To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.

The search will include the following databases:
-Accounting & Tax
-Dissertations & Theses
This search includes the following databases:
– Academic Search Premier
– Business Source Premie
– EconLit with Full Text
– Sustainability Reference Center (Trial)
– Sustainability Watch (Trial)
– GreenFILE
– British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings
For more information on Energy, Environment & Novartis, visit Novartis’s corporate website here.


Read articles on Volkswagen & Sustainable Development.To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.
The search will include the following databases:- ABI/INFORM
– Accounting & Tax
– Dissertations & Theses
– Entrepreneurship.
This search includes the following databases:
– Academic Search Premier
– Business Source Premie
– EconLit with Full Text
– Sustainability Reference Center (Trial)
– Sustainability Watch (Trial)
– GreenFILE
– British Library Document Supply Centre InsideSerials & Conference Proceedings
For more information on Energy, Environment & Volkswagen, visit Volkswagen’s corporate website here.


Read articles on Volkswagen & Sustainable Development.To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.
The search will include the following databases:- ABI/INFORM
– Accounting & Tax
– Dissertations & Theses
– Entrepreneurship.
This search includes the following databases:
– Academic Search Premier
– Business Source Premie
– EconLit with Full Text
– Sustainability Reference Center (Trial)
– Sustainability Watch (Trial)
– GreenFILE
– British Library Document Supply Centre InsideSerials & Conference Proceedings
For more information on Energy, Environment & Volkswagen, visit Volkswagen’s corporate website here.

CSR for sustainability and success : corporate social responsibility in Singapore

In Singapore, NTUC is almost synonymous to supermarket. Most heartlanders fulfil their groceries needs at NTUC FairPrice supermarkets littered across the island. And with the introduction of FairPrice Finest in more upmarket locations, even expatriates are doing so as imported products, which used to be only available in specialist supermarket in town, are now readily available there.

Do you know that NTUC Fairprice is a co-operative*? At the core of its mission as a social enterprise is the moderation of the cost of living while at the same time maintaining success as a business (Frohman, 2009).
What are the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Vision and Mission of NTUC FairPrice? What are some measures it has taken to become the “Best Corporate Citizen”? What are some challenges and opportunities it faces?

Read more about the FairPrice CSR story in CSR For Sustainability and Business. Other companies highlighted in the book include

Title: CSR for Sustainability and Success
Edited by: Wong, Evelyn S.
Publisher : Marshall Cavendish Editions, c2009
Call No.: HD60.5.S55C958

Click here for more titles on the same topic.

* A co-operative, in essence, is a form of organisation in which customers share in the profits in relation to purchases. In other words, members of the co-op enjoy not only the “benefits of good-quality products at fair prices but also a share of the profits (a dividend) based on the amount of each member’s purchases” (A Dictionary of Business and Management, Oxford University Press, 2009).

Frohman, N. (2009). Best Place to Shop, Best Place to Work, Best Corporate Citizen. In Evelyn Wong, CSR for Sustainability and Success.