Tag Archives: Wal-Mart

Good for business : the rise of the conscious corporation

“The fact is, corporate reputation matters more today because brand matters more. Over the past half century, we have moved beyond markets dominated by commodity goods to a world in which it is virtually impossible to buy anything that doesn’t have some form of logo or other identity mark stamped on it. And consumers are increasingly identifying themselves with and through the brands they buy.” (Benett et al., 2009: xiii)

In Good for Business: The Rise of the Conscious Corporation, authors Benett, Gobhai, O’Reilly and Welch look at the changes that corporations must make to grow and thrive in a more informed and questioning society. They highlight the four cornerstones of a successful as well as conscious business:
Purpose Beyond Profit
Humanized Leadership
Corporate Consciousness
Collaborative Partnerships

Some corporations mentioned in the book include: Nike, Google, Whole Foods, DuPont, Wal-Mart, Procter and Gamble, GE, Microsoft, and Apple.

Title: Good for business : the rise of the conscious corporation
Authors: Andrew Benett, Cavas Gobhai , Ann O’Reilly & Greg Welch
Publication info: New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Availability: Click here


Read articles on Wal-Mart & Sustainable Development.To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.

The search will include the following databases:
-Accounting & Tax
-Dissertations & Theses

This search includes the following databases:
– Academic Search Premier
– Business Source Premier
– EconLit with Full Text
– Sustainability Reference Center (Trial)
– Sustainability Watch (Trial)
– GreenFILE
– British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings

Click here to view search results on scopus.Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources
For more information on Wal-mart’s commitment to sustainability, visit their corporate website here.

Online Videos on Wal-Mart and Sustainability

“From the products Walmart sells to the packaging they come in to the way those products are used by our customers, Walmart’s sustainability efforts are making a positive impact on a global scale.”

From: 2010 Shareholders Meeting Sustainability Video
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

2010 Shareholders Meeting Sustainability

Fortune 500 video: Wal-Mart measures sustainability

Links: Learn more about sustainability at Walmart