MIDAS: Multisensorial Immersive Dynamic Autonomous System

Multisensorial Immersive Dynamic Autonomous System, or MIDAS in short, is a first of its kind system that leverages the physiological phenomenon of neural plasticity and psychological reinforcement and engages four out of our five primary senses: tactility, visual, auditory, and olfactory. MIDAS is a result of an interdisciplinary collaboration that expands the boundaries of hand rehabilitation for stroke patients by considering the domains of olfactory, aesthetic, and fashion. During rehabilitation, virtual reality is a common practice to motivate patients while using a hand exoskeleton. MIDAS takes a step further by incorporating an element of smell into the game, resulting in a truly immersive and engaging experience that increases patients’ motivation. With its substantial aesthetic value, MIDAS can also improve the psychology of patients through self-affirmation. This approach leverages the subconscious influence of design and aesthetic to enhance our sense of self. Finally, a wearable accessory in the form of a sleeve has been designed to recover the patient’s proprioception. This was achieved through the weaved piezoelectrics that vibrate to stimulate the patients’ hands. MIDAS aims to be a lightweight, portable, customisable and affordable (3D printable with open-source codes) solution designed for patients recovering from light to mild stroke while maintaining self-esteem and motivation during the rehabilitation process.

Lead Investigators

  • A/P Galina Mihalvea
  • Prof. Ong Yew Soon
  • Prof. Chen Xiaodong

This project is supported by NTU Accelerating Creativity and Excellence (ACE) Research Grant. 


Posted on

June 22, 2021

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