by Nanyang Business School | Jan 11, 2022 | Nanyang Professional MBA
Digital transformation is rapidly disrupting all aspects of business and impacting every industry, from financial services and education to healthcare and beyond. Companies can no longer sit on the side lines. With the unprecedented speed in digital advancement, if companies fail to adapt and pivot, they will be left behind. Given this imperative, how can business leaders be better prepared?
by Nanyang Business School | Oct 13, 2021 | Nanyang Executive MBA
With intense digital disruption, traditional business models are experiencing new waves of creative destruction. The current upheaval has increased the demand for transformational and innovative leaders. Three industry leaders, who have experienced the transformation first-hand, share their unique perspectives from their respective fields.
by Nanyang Business School | Jun 18, 2021 | Nanyang Executive MBA, Nanyang Fellows MBA, Nanyang MBA, Nanyang Professional MBA
A new wave of pervasive digitalisation is redefining the role of digital transformation in business. Digitalisation is now moving beyond integrating tasks and people to connect with intelligent objects as well through innovations such as AI and the Internet of Things.
by Nanyang Business School | Jan 14, 2021 | Nanyang Executive MBA
Entrepreneurs are known to thrive on the fire in their bellies to power their businesses. However, an increasing number of them are joining the NTU EMBA programme to learn the skills needed to power their entrepreneurial ventures to the next level. Three entrepreneurs share their Nanyang Executive MBA journey.
by Nanyang Business School | Jan 5, 2021 | Nanyang Executive MBA
Digital transformation leader and EMBA student, Daniel Häggmark, explains the skills leaders need to thrive with today’s rapid technological change.
Digital disruption is changing the world of business—and fast. With the rapid development of technologies like AI, the IoT, and automation, one study by Deloitte found that 75% of executives believe digital technology is fundamentally changing their organization.
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