How Nanyang Business School’s SPAN Projects Drive ESG Change in APAC
With ESG and environmental impact becoming top-of-mind issues for the business world, businesses are scrambling to solve their most intractable sustainability issues.
With ESG and environmental impact becoming top-of-mind issues for the business world, businesses are scrambling to solve their most intractable sustainability issues.
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is reshaping how we work and think. And a heavy helping of hype has followed: an endless rotation of pundits continues to sing the technology’s praises online.
The clock is literally ticking on climate change. We have less than five years before global temperatures reach a point of no return of 1.5°C of warming, beyond which global warming becomes irreversible.
In the capstone SPAN project, team diversity is a key feature: each member leveraged their unique skills and backgrounds to foster innovative solutions and insights.
Want to make sure you squeeze every possible benefit out of your degree? Top business school students provide tips on making the most of the business school experience.