From Indonesia to Singapore: Five Invaluable Lessons from Nanyang MBA Alumni
What do our Nanyang MBA alumni from Indonesia – Ashyari Sastrosubroto, Meta Pramasetio, and Steven Surja – all have in common?
What do our Nanyang MBA alumni from Indonesia – Ashyari Sastrosubroto, Meta Pramasetio, and Steven Surja – all have in common?
It’s often said that who you know is just as important as what you know. Having built a vibrant career for almost a decade – spanning from credit risk management to product development – Henry Johnson can attest to this.
One unique feature of the MSc Financial Engineering (MFE) programme at Nanyang Business School (NBS) is its flexibility.
Want to make sure you squeeze every possible benefit out of your degree? Top business school students provide tips on making the most of the business school experience.
In today’s data-driven business landscape, individuals with the know-how to extract insights from data are in high demand. Professionals from diverse backgrounds are embracing this new wave of opportunities and taking the leap into the world of data analytics.