The successful leader’s toolkit

The successful leader’s toolkit

There are no natural leaders – it takes conscious, focused effort to become one, says Professor Boh Wai Fong, as she reveals the 3 essential leadership tools for impactful leadership today.

As Deputy Dean at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore’s (NTU Singapore) Nanyang Business School (NBS), Prof Boh Wai Fong inspires MBA participants with the wealth of knowledge she has amassed from over two decades of intensive research into diverse businesses and the entrepreneurs that drive them.

Could workplace well-being be the secret to organisational success?

Could workplace well-being be the secret to organisational success?

Workplace mental health is a key topic today with remote work arrangements that reflect declining engagement levels and increasing mental health strains. Associate Professor Trevor Yu from the Division of Leadership, Management & Organisation at Nanyang Technological University Singapore’s (NTU) Singapore Nanyang Business School (NBS) shares his views on the subject of employee well-being – What is it? How can leaders engage with it? What is the role of leaders in cultivating joy and a sense of meaning for their employees in the workplace?

Why Digital Transformation Leaders Need to Embrace a New Mindset – Perspectives from Nanyang Business School MBA Alumni

Why Digital Transformation Leaders Need to Embrace a New Mindset – Perspectives from Nanyang Business School MBA Alumni

Digital transformation is rapidly disrupting all aspects of business and impacting every industry, from financial services and education to healthcare and beyond. Companies can no longer sit on the side lines. With the unprecedented speed in digital advancement, if companies fail to adapt and pivot, they will be left behind. Given this imperative, how can business leaders be better prepared?