Responsible AI: from Principles to Action and Real AI is Social AI

Responsible AI: from Principles to Action

The last time, many guidelines and principles for AI have been proposed. Central issues in are fairness, transparency or privacy. But what do these kinds of features mean when translated into action? Ensuring an ethically aligned purpose is more than designing systems whose result can be trusted. It is about the way we design them, why we design them, and who is involved in designing them. If we are to produce responsible trustworthy AI, we need to work towards technical and socio-legal initiatives and solutions which provide concretise instructions, tools, and other means of dictating, helping, and educating AI practitioners at aligning their systems with our societies’ principles and values.

Real AI is Social AI

Intelligence is of little use if not used in interaction with other people. The same holds for Artificial Intelligence (AI). Making AI social is not just adding a blinking eye to a character on the screen, but making it aware of the social context in which it makes decisions. Should a negotiation program find the optimal agreement for its user or give in to some of the desires of the opponent to make her happy and likely to make a good deal next time as well? Should a health care robot force a pill upon a person when there are visitors or wait until they are gone?

Speaker Biography

Virginia Dignum is Professor of Social and Ethical Artificial Intelligence at Umeå University, Sweden and associated with the TU Delft in the Netherlands. She is the scientific director of WASP-HS, the Wallenberg Program on¬† Humanities and Society for AI, Autonomous Systems and Software. She is a Fellow of the European Artificial Intelligence Association (EURAI), a member of the European Commission High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, of the World Economic Forum‚Äôs Global Artificial Intelligence Council, of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Initiative on Ethically Alligned Design, and a founding member of ALLAI-NL, the Dutch AI Alliance. She is the author of “Responsible Artificial Intelligence: developing and using AI in a responsible way”, published by Springer in 2019.

Frank Dignum is Professor of Socially Aware AI at Umeå University, Sweden and associated with Utrecht University in The Netherlands and the Czech University of Technology in Prague. He is a fellow of the European Artificial Intelligence Association (EURAI). He has been active in the field of Multi-Agent Systems and Social Simulations for 30 years. He has not only published in the most important conferences in AI, but also actively organized major conferences such as AAMAS and ECAI, besides many specialized workshops. His main research interests have been in social aspects of MAS. He has made major contributions in the formalization and implementation of norms for MAS, but also has looked at the role of communication in MAS. In the last few years he has published about the use of culture, values and norms in agent-based social simulations.

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Event Details
Date and Time
29 Jan 2020 (Wed)
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Refreshments will be served before the event at 4:00 PM.
LT 18 (NS01-04-01)
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