Category Archives for Resource, Discovery & Access

What does a library accessibility specialist do? How a new role advances accessibility through education and advocacy

Across North America, academic librarians are quietly converting print materials into accessible files, testing databases for usability, and applying principles of universal design to services, spaces, and instruction. Most of us do this work under unassuming job titles like director … Continue reading

28. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Advisory & Consultation, Education & Learning, Resource, Discovery & Access, University Collections & Archives | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Desire to Listen: One Learning Management System-Based Solution to Providing Copyright Compliant Streaming Audio Reserves

In 2008, the Performing Arts Librarian and the Bierce Library Course Reserves Manager at the Bierce Library at the University of Akron were charged by library administration to explore possible solutions for providing online media reserves in a manner compliant … Continue reading

27. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Education & Learning, Resource, Discovery & Access, Scholarly Publishing & Impact | Tags: , | Leave a comment

The Abbey Theatre Digital Archive: a digitization project with dramatic impact

The Digital Archive enables new types of research, including text and data mining, and has reshaped undergraduate curricula. It has also had a transformative effect on the Library as leader of the project. The role of the archivist has changed … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Education & Learning, Online University Press, Resource, Discovery & Access, University Collections & Archives | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Choosito Is Using Artificial Intelligence To Build A Better Search Engine and Digital Library For Education.

Dr. Eleni Mitsakaki has set out to create a better, more effective, and safer way for students to search and learn. Her startup, Choosito, is backed by the National Science Foundation and is paving the way for teachers to have … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Digital Portals & Initiatives, Resource, Discovery & Access, University Collections & Archives | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Open Source Software

Open source systems have been part of the overall automation landscape for more than 15 years and have become a well-established and mature option. Open source today falls well within the mainstream of technology options. Read More

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Resource, Discovery & Access | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Eugene Garfield’s Scholarly Impact: A Scientometric Review

The concept of citation indexing has become deeply involved in many parts of research itself and the broad environment in which research plays an integral role, ranging from research evaluation, numerous indicators, to an increasingly wider range of scientific disciplines. … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Resource, Discovery & Access, Scholarly Publishing & Impact | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

User Navigation in Large-Scale Distributed Digital Libraries: The Case of the Digital Public Library of America

This article presents the findings of a case study that examined user navigation in a large-scale digital library in the context of academic use. Using the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) as a case, the study explored user navigation … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Resource, Discovery & Access, User Services & Engagement | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

ProQuest Dissertations now discoverable in Google Scholar

ProQuest and Google are expanding their collaboration by indexing almost half a million full text dissertations from the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database, the leading source of emerging research from the world’s great universities. Google Scholar users can now … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Resource, Discovery & Access | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

ProQuest enriches Ebook Central platform user experience

ProQuest has again teamed with students and other researchers to make the experience of using the Ebook Central platform more efficient, effective and valuable. The popular ebook platform has enhanced its book detail pages to boost usability with simplified workflows, … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Education & Learning, Online University Press, Resource, Discovery & Access, University Collections & Archives | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

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