LIFE Photo Archive
Time Inc., New York, United States
Rentmeester, Co. Cover of LIFE dated 08-25-1967 w. legend “The ‘Other War’ in Vietnam: To Keep A Village Free” w. pic of American soldier w. boy on oversize crutches, 1967. Digital photograph, 980 x 1280 pixels. LIFE Photo Archive.
A descriptive note detailing the content and context of the digital collection.
The LIFE Photo Archive is a comprehensive archive of photographs and etchings that are produced or owned by the defunct LIFE Magazine, dating back to the 1750s. Captured by LIFE photographers and photo journalists like Alfred Eisenstaedt and Margaret Bourke-White, the photographs documented important events in the world, evolution of fashion and lifestyles and the lives of celebrities and everyday people. According to Google, most of the photographs have never been published. Started in 2008, users can search for millions of images from the LIFE archive, which contains about 10 million photographs. Users can do a keyword search by adding “source:life” to any Google image search. For example, “vietnam war source:life“. Alternatively, users may browse by different categories.
Collection Type
Broad terms that define the type of digital collection
Broad terms or phrases that describe, identify, or interpret the digital image collection and what it depicts or expresses. Values were obtained using the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) by the Getty Research Institute.
Style Period
Terms that define the styles, art periods, movements, etc. whose characteristics are represented in digital image collection. Values were obtained using the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) by the Getty Research Institute
Work Types
Terms that identify the kinds of works in the digital collection being described. It typically refers to a work’s physical form, function, or medium in digital image collection. Values were obtained using the Thesaurus For Graphic Materials (TGM) by Library of Congress.
Openness of the digital collection determined using the 4R activities by Wiley (2010).
Notes on Usage
Additional notes on the terms of use on the digital images in the collection.
The images are copyrighted to Time, Inc. and available for “personal non-commercial use only“. Not much information are provided on how the images can be used and no attribution requirements are stated. Images can be attributed by including the photographer name, title of image, year of creation, medium, physical dimensions, url of digital image:
e.g. Burrows, Larry. Vietnam – A People And A War, 1969. Digital photograph, 1280 x 827 pixels. LIFE Photo Archive.
For more information on acknowledging images with other citation styles, refer here.
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