Open Access for Scholarly Content (OASC)

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, United States
Vermeer, Johannes. Young Woman with a Water Pitcher, 1662. Oil on canvas, 45.7 cm x 40.6 cm. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Description icon-questionA descriptive note detailing the content and context of the digital collection.

As one of the largest museums in the world, the Metropolitan Museum (MET) provides access to more than 400,000 high-resolution digital images of public domain works across different periods and geographic locations. Such works can be downloaded directly from the Museum’s website for non-commercial use—including in scholarly publications in any media—without permission from the Museum and without a fee. Related Post: 400,000 images available for download from the Metropolitan Museum of Art!

Collection Type icon-questionBroad terms that define the type of digital collection

Subject icon-question Broad terms or phrases that describe, identify, or interpret the digital image collection and what it depicts or expresses. Values were obtained using the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) by the Getty Research Institute.

Style Period icon-questionTerms that define the styles, art periods, movements, etc. whose characteristics are represented in digital image collection. Values were obtained using the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) by the Getty Research Institute

Work Types icon-questionTerms that identify the kinds of works in the digital collection being described. It typically refers to a work’s physical form, function, or medium in digital image collection. Values were obtained using the Thesaurus For Graphic Materials (TGM) by Library of Congress.

Openness icon-questionOpenness of the digital collection determined using the 4R activities by Wiley (2010).

Allow Reuse and Redistribute for educational and non-commercial purposes

Allow Reuse and Redistribute for educational and non-commercial purposes

Notes on Usage icon-questionAdditional notes on the terms of use on the digital images in the collection.

Only applicable for images labeled under the acronym, OASC, and for limited non-commercial, educational, and personal use only, or for Fair Use under US copyright laws. In addition, authorized non-commercial uses for such images shall include scholarly publications in any media. However, the images may not be modified. Users must cite the author and source of such images, and include the URL “”. No citation format is stated in the terms of use. Image can be cited using Chicago style and include creator name, title of image, year of creation (if unknown, indicate n.d.), medium, physical dimensions, state, institution, accessed date and url of digital image:

e.g. Vermeer, Johannes. Young Woman with a Water Pitcher, 1662. Oil on canvas, 45.7 cm x 40.6 cm. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Accessed July 15, 2015.

For more information on acknowledging images with other citation styles, refer here.

Please check their Terms and Conditions for full details before using images.