Museu d'Art de Catalunya Collection
Museu d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Master of Taüll. Apse of Sant Climent de Taüll, circa 1123. Painting, 620 cm x 360 cm x 180 cm. Website of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya of Barcelona,
A descriptive note detailing the content and context of the digital collection.
The Museu d’Art de Catalunya, or MNAC in short, is a national museum located in Barcelona, Spain. The museum is known for its outstanding collections of Romanesque mural paintings and Catalan Modernism. Their digital collection contains more than 8,500 images of artworks from their collections. Users can browse the collections, search and narrow the results by classification, themes and period.
Collection Type
Broad terms that define the type of digital collection
Broad terms or phrases that describe, identify, or interpret the digital image collection and what it depicts or expresses. Values were obtained using the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) by the Getty Research Institute.
Animal art, Architecture (discipline), Catalan (culture or style), Culture, European, Figures (representations), Histories (visual works), Landscapes (representations), Medieval (European), Modern (style or period), Mythology (literary genre), Mythical or legendary beings, Nature, Numismatics, Objects, Portraits, Romanesque, Still lifes
Style Period
Terms that define the styles, art periods, movements, etc. whose characteristics are represented in digital image collection. Values were obtained using the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) by the Getty Research Institute
Work Types
Terms that identify the kinds of works in the digital collection being described. It typically refers to a work’s physical form, function, or medium in digital image collection. Values were obtained using the Thesaurus For Graphic Materials (TGM) by Library of Congress.
Openness of the digital collection determined using the 4R activities by Wiley (2010).
Notes on Usage
Additional notes on the terms of use on the digital images in the collection.
Unless otherwise stated, images (together with interactive and audio-visual materials) on the website of Museu d’Art de Catalunya are available for reproduction under under the terms and conditions of Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) licence. Citation is required, which expressively states the source and URL “Website of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya of Barcelona,“, with the authorship included.
e.g. Master of Taüll. Apse of Sant Climent de Taüll, circa 1123. Painting, 620 cm x 360 cm x 180 cm. Website of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya of Barcelona,
Please read their Legal Notice for full details before using images.
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