Compiled by Swiss UI designer, Vilem Ries, Albumarium offers high-resolution photographs, organised in different albums. Photographs on this site are contributed by users on Creative Common licenses.
Compiled by Swiss UI designer, Vilem Ries, Albumarium offers high-resolution photographs, organised in different albums. Photographs on this site are contributed by users on Creative Common licenses.
Developed by Michael Connors in 1996, MorgueFile is an online community for photographers and remains as a popular image source for creatives. It is currently managed together by Michael and his brother, Kevin Connors, and Johannes Seemann. This platform contains photographs “freely contributed by many artists to be used in creative projects by visitors to the site“.
Getty Images is one of the world’s leading suppliers for stock images. Through their embed tool, users can drop an image into their blog, website or social media feed without worrying about copyright restrictions. The tool will generate a code that will automatically include the necessary attribution and link back to the licensing page.
Unsplash is a collection of high-resolution stock images by Canada-based design agency, Crew. 10 new photographs are uploaded every 10 days.