Learning Experience

Here are the takeaways from each of our group members!

Brenda: This project has provided me with the invaluable opportunity of having a hands-on experience of applying physics in reality. It has introduced to me the new concept of the Halbach array, and also allowed me to witness its strength in action. Undoubtedly, this project has taught all of us how to be tenacious in trying to achieve our objectives and goals. It also taught us to be flexible in shifting our project direction when required, and the value of working together to brainstorm and troubleshoot. Because of this project, I now have a newfound respect for people who are able to easily translate physics principles into functional items.

Terence: This project has widened my perspectives on how to tackle problems and overcome obstacles.  Problems that could not be solved with a certain direct method have to be tackled with alternative solutions that allow us to view the project as the same. An example of such would be the relative movement of our vehicle over the track. I have learnt many new physics concepts as well as how to handle mechanical objects throughout this project. I have also gotten to appreciate the beauty of teamwork when my team and I divided the heavy workload. As minuscule our individual parts felt to each one of us, when the whole project came together as a whole, it was definitely very gratifying for all of us. I am absolutely grateful to my group mates for the wonderful experience as well as Dr Ho, Tony and the rest of the MnT Lab staff for their assistance and positivity throughout this project.

Jun Yu: This module has given me many unique and useful skills such as 3D modelling and constructing products from scratch. Being a Mechanical Engineering student, such skills are crucial in my future courses and work. Embarking on this journey in creating the prototype, I was inspired to improve on my hands-on skills, which are undoubtedly essential in today’s society. Being able to witness physics concepts being applied in real life was eye-opening for all of us, and this project has taught us that having practical experiences are so much more important than just learning the theories. Also, teamwork and close collaboration were what made our project so successful. I am extremely grateful to my group mates, Dr Ho, Mr Tony and the rest of the lab staff for assisting us in putting this project together.