Project Overview


Just like the very first IPhone, we aim to revolutionise the way VR is used around the world and to change the way others think about VR, hence creating a new era for the rise of VRs.


The aim of our project is simple. How do we increase the space and movement within the virtual world while not banging into anything in the real world? There are different ways to overcome this:

  1. What VR equipments currently do is to allow the use of one of the controllers for movement when physical movement is no longer possible. However, this will prevent the user from using one of his/her arms for other purposes (for instance, you can only shoot the gun/ punch others with one hand.
  2. The user is to use the VR equipment normally. However, if the user is about to bump into something in real life, he/she will be warned with a slight vibration/sound and possibly be given a chance to recalibrate the device to allow him/her to continue walking. However, the constant vibration or beeping may annoy the user and the repeated recalibration may lead to VR sickness.
  3. The user will appear to be walking in the virtual world when he is in fact stationary in the real world. This method is the best method out of the 3 and is what our group is going with. Other commercial solutions are also going with this method. The issues arising with this method include motion sickness, the ease of moving in the virtual world, and also cost.

After much consideration and planning, we decided to design a chair that allows the user to tilt in the direction he/she wants to walk, allowing him/her to move infinitely in the virtual world while remaining safe in the real world. Our project will be mostly mechanical and easily detachable to allow us/ the end user to change parts easily. The cost of our product will also be significantly cheaper than other commercial products, costing just slightly more than $100 SGD. We hope that you will join us in our journey to revolutionise VR and to watch us as we make our hopes and dreams into a reality.

‘Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars.’ While many will stop at the stars, we will simply use it as a closer launchpad towards  our goal, and hope that our project will serve as a launchpad for others too.

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