The RAMPS 1.4 board is compatible with Marlin , which is firmware that acts as the interface between higher level serial inputs, and the RAMPS board.
The RAMPS board serves as a shield for the Arduino Mega, which extends its functionality, and uses the output pins of the Arduino Mega to control the RAMPS board.
Since the RAMPS board was designed for use with a 3D printer, it has several slots for connecting stepper motor drivers, along with power output pins for cooling fans and the heated bed.
We will first briefly discuss what we’ve learnt about stepper motor drivers, before
Stepper Motor Drivers
- A4988
- has a pinout
- copy some stuff from the doc i wrote about stepper motors / trying to buy them
- i.e. what is NEMA 17, why do you need a stepper motor driver, how does the stepper motor driver work
- comment on whether motor feedback is needed (hint: it is not)
- but we decided to use the 3d kit anyway so
Configuring Marlin
- config file is v long
- impt parts would have to do with the LCD screen, the steps per mm, adding the jumper thing for 1/16 steps
GCode Commands
- G0 for motion, G28 for home, M105 for query position, M106 to set fan speed