Touchscreen Display Holder (3D Printed)

Considerations and Justifications for Choice

The back of the raspberry pi touchscreen is not a flat surface as the raspberry pi is attached to it. Hence, a support structure to prop the screen up is required so that the wires at the back can be connected to the raspberry pi smoothly. Furthermore, it is more user-friendly to have the display propped up at a certain angle as compared to having it flat on the table.

Prototyping Process: Cycle of Test, Critique and Re-Design


The holder is a skeleton support.


Touchscreen Display on V1 3D Printed Touchscreen Display Skeleton Holder Prototype




Identified Issues with Previous Prototype (Critique):

  • Raspberry Pi touchscreen display is slanted at an angle
  • Touchscreen display is not secured and might slide off

Modifications Made (Redesign):

  • Downloaded template [1] and printed 
  • Template is more secure and touchscreen display is enclosed in a casing.
Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Display Case Demo Image from MakerBot Thingiverse [1]
V2 3D Printed Touchscreen Display Holder Prototype



[1] “Raspberry Pi 7 Inch Touchscreen display case by luc_e,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 12-Jul-2021].

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