Movie Screening, Dr. Suess: The Lorax

Movie Screening, Dr. Suess: The Lorax

Date: 30th October 2012
Time: 7:30pm to 10:30pm
Venue: TR 21
Join us in our movie screening of the movie: Dr. Suess: The Lorax!!
Let’s find out the story of “Lorax”, a grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world through his great determination and dedication.
Registration Closed!
Event Organizer
This event is organized by the Education and Welfare portfolio. For more information, you may contact Ng Yi Xuan here .

Bukit Timah Nature Walk

Bukit Timah Nature Walk

Date: 27th October 2012
Time: 8:00am to 12:30pm
Venue: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (Meet at Chinese Heritage Center)
Attire: Comfortable t-shirt and trousers, please wear covered shoes
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve was one of the first forest reserves established in Singapore. When the government of the Straits Settlements commissioned a report on the state of the forests, it was recommended that several reserves be created. Thus, in 1883, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve was established. In 1951, it received more protection under the Nature Reserves Ordinance which was enacted under the National Parks Act.
The 163-hectare reserve retains one of the largest tracts of primary rainforest left in Singapore. The forest has been a botanical collecting ground for more than a century, where the first known specimens of many species of Malayan plants were obtained.
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is also home to Singapore’s highest hill at 163.63 m. Composed mainly of granite, Bukit Timah Hill was once an active quarrying site in the mid-1900s. One abandoned quarry has been developed as a park – Hindhede Nature Park.
Today, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve supports diverse needs from conservation, education, research and recreation. As an ASEAN Heritage Park, it continues to build on its programmes to strengthen its position as a premier tropical forest and inspire people to learn more about Singapore’s beautiful rainforests (Taken from NParks).
Transportation and snacks are provided. Please bring sufficient water and medicine(if needed). You are encouraged to wear covered shoes and comfortable attire for trekking. Please have your breakfast before coming. Meet at the front of the Chinese Heritage Center at 8:00.
Contact Lok Xun Feng, Nature Guiding Officer; her contact details available here.
Limited slots only!! Click here to register for Bukit Timah Nature Walk.

Sub-committee Outing 2012

Sub-committee Outing 2012

EarthLink NTU “!s newly recruited Subcommittee members were welcomed to the club with an excursion to HortPark on Saturday, 29th September 2012. The trip was to familiarize the new members with members from other portfolios, as well as members of the Main Committee. But even by the lowest definition, everyone went home with more than just a few new friends.

Anyone walking past the Chinese Heritage Centre at 8 am on Saturday would have noticed a large group students sitting on the steps, as the Nature Guides attempted to make everyone rote-learn everyone else “!s names. After this brief memory exercise, the members were treated to cakes and bread, which rapidly disappeared down everyone “!s throats

At HortPark, the members, along with their assigned group were given a tour around the gardening hub, guided by an experienced researcher. They learnt in detail about the various plants that grew in the gardening hub, all explained humorously. From the unpleasant durian tree to the diabolical strangling fig to the Indian lizard that was somehow introduced into Singapore, the members felt their heads getting fuller with gardening related information every minute.Of course, the highlight of the park was the butterfly enclosure. Not only was it cooler, with the heavy leaf cover, but also it was an amusing sight to see butterflies landing on human heads all around.

The groups played an ingenious game before lunch, in which each player had to draw the image of an environmental issue, and the next one had to guess what it was. Though tiring to play under the scorching sun, it was hilarious to see what well-drawn images had deteriorated into when it reached the Sartist at the end of each line of players.

As all good things must end, the members were rounded up and sent back to their buses, after refilling their stomachs with a sumptuous meal. Just to highlight the member “!s eco-mindedness, the cardboard covers and the polystyrene food carriers were separated before they were thrown.

Just before boarding, the Club “!s president Alex suggested that a group photograph be taken. With no photographer in sight, the camera was balanced precariously on the edge of a staircase railing and self-timed, as EarthLink NTU “!s new and old members squeezed into the picture. After all, we are Sone big happy family.

Main-Committee Outing 2012

Main-Committee Outing 2012

25 people from different cultures, schools and ideologies but with a common passion for the environment were elected as the office bearers of the 20th Management of Earthlink NTU. Thus, an outing was organized to create and foster a bond of trust, friendship and co-operation among the members of the newly formed committee.

The outing to Gardens by the Bay on the 15th of September was organized by the Nature Guidance Officer and the Education and Welfare Officer. It was a potluck dinner, where each committee member would bring in some food and we would have a picnic as well as games to get to know each other better.

We set up a picnic spot along one of the paths and started our first game, Human Bingo. Each of the committee members was given a sheet of paper with a set of personality questions that they had to answer by finding someone else within the committee who fit the description. It gave the members a great chance to find out more about each other “!s preferences and characteristics.

The game was followed by the dinner where everyone enjoyed a taste of all the different kinds of food brought by the committee as a whole. After the potluck picnic, the entire committee proceeded towards the garden “!s signature Supertree Grove to bask in the array of lights in the evening as the Supertrees come to life with mesmerizing lights and music. This enchanting spectacle brought what was a fruitful and merry outing to an end.

I think I can speak for the entire committee when I say that we had a wonderful time and are eagerly anticipating working together over the next one year as Earthlink NTU embarks on a new journey.

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