Subcommittee Outing 2014

Today our dear Earthlink members organized another fun-filled outing and it got a zealous and enthusiastic response from all those who were a part of it. This time the members were divided into 5 groups and each group raced their way through the different gardens scattered around Singapore. Members had to assemble at Canopy K by 8:30 am, after which ice-breaking games were arranged followed by a mass photoshoot and lunch. Teams had to leave for the MRT stations around 12:30 pm. Games were held at every location followed by clues responsible for delivering a secret message towards the end. Nature guides took the noble initiative to make this event an informative one, as they helped enlighten us with the histories related behind different parks. Teams had to report back at the North spine, Canopy K by 5:30 pm. This semester kick-started off on a brilliant note, all thanks to the magnificent efforts of the Welfare and Camp Committees!

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