Date: 29th of March 2014, Saturday
Time: 1345 – 1900
Venue: Mandai Mudflat, Kranji
Efforts to rescue horseshoe crabs trapped in deployed and abandoned fishing nets at the Mandai mudflats have been ongoing for 6 years. Managed by Mr Kerry Pereira, an Outreach Officer of Nature Society (Singapore), many students from secondary schools, junior colleges and tertiary institutions have taken part in this meaningful rescue, and it has now evolved into a deep research to understand more about this ancient mariner, the horseshoe crab.
This Horseshoe Crab Rescue & Research work is a real immersion in the mudflat. Participants will be introduced to the interesting features and proper handling of the horseshoe crab. They will also have a chance to identify, measure, mark, record, and release the crabs back into the mangrove and learn a few recapture techniques. Moreover, they will be involved in the data analysis to help determine the population size and density of horseshoe crabs in the area. This hands-on experience not only allows participants to experience conservation work, but also to gain knowledge about the horseshoe crab.
Horseshoe Crab Rescue & Research