Nature Trails and Night Wonders *Updated*

Nature Trails and Night Wonders *Updated*

Date: 30th January 2016, Saturday
Time: 3:00pm to 10:15pm
Venue: Pasir Ris Park
Meeting Point: 3.00pm, at Pavillion @ TCT-LT
Nature Trails and Night Wonders is back!
Ever wished you could bring your friends with you on a nature walk? Ever wished you could show your friends what being an Earthlinker really means?
Now’s your chance! Nature Trails and Night Wonders will bring you to the Kitchen Garden at Pasir Ris Park to experience the culinary treasures of herbs and spices growing in our midst. As dusk falls, we will venture into the mangrove boardwalks, where we will see the wonders of the mangroves in a different light. If you are lucky enough, you might even be able to spot owls, civet cats and even fireflies!
Spend time in nature, bond with existing friends even make new friends! Hesitate no more and join us in Nature Trails and Night Wonders!
Registration link:
*Event is open to all NTU students. Note that two-way bus transport and dinner are provided. Visit our registration booth for a series of fun games, which will be open on 22nd January 2016, Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm at the Concourse, South Spine Canteen B.
Kindly sign up as soon as possible as there are limited slots available. We hope to see you soon!

International Coastal Clean-up Singapore 2015 *Cancelled*

International Coastal Clean-up Singapore 2015 *Cancelled*

Date: 3rd October 2015, Saturday
Time: 7.10 am to 11.00 am
Venue: Changi Beach


Update regarding cancellation of event

Hi everyone,

We would like to first thank you for your interest in International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS). However, as the PSI levels have been persisting in the unhealthy range for the past few days, we regret to inform you that the makeup ICCS event on this Saturday, 3rd October 2015 is now cancelled. This decision has been made by the organizing committee after taking into consideration the health and safety of the participants.

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused and we hope to see you in our future events.


Have you ever wondered on making a difference to the world and playing your part in saving the environment?

Waste today, is a huge problem, and solid waste around coastal regions can harm many life forms including ours. Every piece of rubbish picked up can make a huge difference, and it is about time we clean up after ourselves and save the habitats from being destroyed by our waste.

Come and sign up for the International Coastal Cleanup Singapore 2015 to kick start your environmental engagement with Earthlink NTU.

*Event details below has been updated*

Because ICCS 2015 on 19th September 2015 was cancelled because of the haze, we will be rescheduling it to 3rd October 2015, Saturday. Check out the following information for more details:

Date: Saturday, 3rd October 2015
Event Venue: Changi Beach Park, Carpark 1
Meeting Time and Venue: 7.10 am at Pavilion@TCT-LT

*Kindly register through the following link and reserve your slot now as the seats are limited!
*Breakfast and two-way bus transport are provided.

Let s join us in this meaningful event, because every little effort counts and together we can make a difference!

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