Jurong Eco Garden Biodiversity Audit Training Program

Jurong Eco Garden Biodiversity Audit Training Program

Date: 7th-8th December 2015, Monday & Tuesday
Time: 8.45am – 2.30pm (7th December); 8.30am – 12.30pm (8th December);
Venue: Jurong Eco Garden (JEG)

Love animals but can t identify the birds, butterflies and dragonflies you spot in the wild? Here is the solution! If you want to spend your holidays in a meaningful way, the Jurong Eco Garden Biodiversity Audit Training Program will be a marvelous opportunity to equip yourself with biodiversity identification techniques and monitoring skills.

By taking part in this educational training program, you will be able to identify common animals and carry out a biodiversity survey at Jurong Eco Garden.

As there are limited seats, do sign up for the event as soon as possible at http://tinyurl.com/ncqvndp

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee at eartlink-ngo@e.ntu.edu.sgWe look forward to having you with us in this program. All the best in your final exams!

No Waste Day Campaign 2015

No Waste Day Campaign 2015

With more than a thousand truckloads of waste generated every day, the Semakau landfill is projected to be filled in just 20 years time. The unsustainable increase in waste generated in Singapore has led to Clean and Green Singapore s (CGS)  No Waste Day Challenge . NTU had its own  No Waste Day advocacy campaign organised by Earthlink on 20 October. A booth was set up at the South Spine concourse for students to learn more about how they can reduce their waste. At the same time, mobile student ambassadors walked around the school to personally interact with students and enthuse to them about reducing waste. By getting them to write their commitments down on a pledge card, Earthlink hopes to inspire students into making little changes in their lifestyle to reduce their waste.

To help students take the first step in reducing food waste (by taking away leftover food), and/or reduce the use of one-time takeaway containers and Styrofoam packets, there were reusable containers sold at the booth. There was also a photo competition with weekly lucky draws where students would have to upload at least two pictures per week of them reducing waste. This would encourage students to take actual steps in their lives to reduce waste.

It does not take a big leap to reduce waste in one s daily lives. If only we just paused to think about what we put into the bin (or perhaps what we throw on the floor), we would find that the  rubbish we throw are not just  rubbish ; they are resources that are being wasted.

Think about what and how much we are putting into the bin every day. Are those plastics, paper, aluminium cans or grains of rice? All of these can actually be prevented from meeting their end in the landfill. Plastic, paper, and metals can be recycled to be given a new lease of life. Leftover food can be composted and give nutrients to soil and plants which need them. We can also reuse or repurpose some things we do not need to form useful things, or even artistic pieces.

But in the first place, why do we take all these extra things we do not need? Do we really need all the straws and plastic cups to enjoy our bubble tea? Do we really need to take away food using disposable containers? Do we really need all those plastic wrappers and excessive packaging that comes with a product? Do we really need to print our lecture slides one on each page? Do we really need to order so much food when we know we cannot finish it? If we think a little deeper, do we actually know where the things we throw away go to?

There are many things to be said and argued about our waste, but there is no need to delve too deep. As long as we are able and willing to commit to making small changes in our individual lifestyle, together, we can reduce a lot of unnecessary waste. Hopefully, Earthlink s efforts during No Waste Day was able to motivate students personally to adopt our motto:  If I change, the world changes .

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Recycling Drive 2015/16 Semester 1

Recycling Drive 2015/16 Semester 1

Date: 9th November 2015, Monday to 7th December 2015, Monday
Venue: Each Hall of Residence
Door-to-door Collection
Date: 5th December 2015, Saturday & 6th December 2015, Sunday
Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm
Venue: Each Hall of Residence
If you have heavy stacks of notes you want to recycle or any unwanted clothes, you can place it in the bins placed near you for your convenience! Do you know that if those are thrown into the recycling bins, you would be making a small difference to this Planet?
There are plenty of facts out there on why recycling is important. The world population is growing, not shrinking, and currently each human being add significant amount of waste to the planet over his or her lifetime. In Singapore, the Semakau Landfill (the only landfill in Singapore) would be completely filled by 2045 if we do not recycle more diligently from now on.
YOU can make a difference today!
Look out for the Recycling Drive by Earthlink NTU from 9th Nov to 7th Dec. The Big Green Bins are located in all of the Hall of Residences just for you. Now, inconvenience no longer needs to be an excuse for not recycling.
Besides this, we are also holding a door-to-door collection on the 5th Dec and 6th Dec, from 10 am to 4pm. All recyclables, including plastics, glassware, paper, metal cans and clothes are accepted.
Recycle today for a better tomorrow. Join us in our conquest to make a difference and conserve the environment!

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