Earthlink Bonding Dinner

The Earthlink Bonding Dinner, held on 12th October, marks the beginning of a series of upcoming events by Earthlink in this academic year! This event was organized by the Welfare portfolio to ensure that all Earthlink subcommittee members know each other. It was a night for everyone to relax, have fun and foster new bonds!

Upon registration, all the participants were given lucky draw numbers and were divided into seven groups. Starting off with ice breakers, everyone introduced themselves to each other in their group by playing “Catch and Call”. A ball will be thrown around the group, and the catcher has to call the name of the thrower. This interactive game allowed everyone to get to know each other better.

Our mass game was “Guess the Lyrics”. Short verses of popular songs were played and participants were required to snatch the chance to ring the bell and guess the song’s name and the following lyrics. Much to our surprise, there are actually some talented singers hidden among us!

Next up, we had the first performance of the night: a serenade by the EXCOs in the tune of “Flashlight”! It was a thoughtful and meaningful choice: the EXCOs hope that everyone in the club can be each other’s flashlight, guiding those who are in need, while we achieve our common goal together.

With the mood warmed up, the participants were getting hungry and eager for dinner. Not forgetting to #DitchDaDisposables, everyone brought their own containers! While most of us were happily indulging in the food and conversations, some of us also took the chance to take photos at the photo booth.

After the scrumptious dinner, each portfolio director and the subcommittees formally introduced themselves to everyone. Some portfolios even took the chance to promote their upcoming events and while encouraging everyone to sign up.

Finally, we had the highlight of the night: a dance performance by all the current Earthlink directors! The very entertaining dance definitely brought the atmosphere to the peak, and it was very heartwarming to see the effort the main committee had placed in. The dance performance was followed by a second mass game called “Kahoot”. This game tested the participants on Earthlink trivia and our history. Can you remember when was Earthlink established? 😉

After all the games and performance, we finally had… our LUCKY DRAW! Lucky participants walked away with reusable containers and cutlery, earphones, and FairPrice vouchers.

Before the dinner came to a close, we had a group photo session where the different portfolios showed off their creativity with their myriad of unique and innovative poses! To conclude the event, the Welfare portfolio thanked everyone for coming down for the event and hoped that everyone had a good time. Even though the dinner was just for a few hours, the bonds fostered that night has definitely set us off on a positive note for the academic year ahead!

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