Plant-Based Diet Talk

On March 27, Earthlinkers had an enriching and mind-opening talk, Plant-Based Diet Talk: Let Us Be Heroes, presented by Ms. Rebecca Cappelli. Ms. Cappelli informed us about the benefits of a plant-based diet and the myths we were “programmed” to believe through advertisements. We were surprised about the facts presented. Are you aware that processed meat has been classified as a carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by WHO in 2015? Or that even with all the greenhouse gas emitted by the transportation industry, cattle industry still produces more? These astonishing data made us to really think about the destruction we are bringing upon ourselves and the world.
But it doesn’t have to stay that way; we can be better. Of course, not everyone can change at a snap. As Ms. Cappelli said, “You’re young, you’re the game changer. Let us take a stand now, you don’t need to wait until you graduate. Let us be heroes!” Change can start by simply joining the Green Monday initiative (being a vegetarian every Monday). Together, let Plus make a change we want in the world, one step at a time.

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