Green For Good 2022

This year’s Earthlink NTU’s flagship environmental festival, Green For Good (GFG) 2022!, centering three pillars—Food Sustainability, Biodiversity & Conservation, and Sustainable Living—GFG had seen events related to each pillar run throughout the month of March. These events were co-organised with the Student Affairs Office as well as over 50 other student clubs and external partners. Green For Good 2022 officially kicked started with an Opening Launch addressed by Tan Shi Zhou, President of Earthlink NTU and Prof. Madhavi Srinivasan, Executive Director of NTU Sustainability Office. 
In the first week of Green for Good, our theme is Food Sustainability where we aim to raise awareness on these three different areas: sustainable diets, food waste, and food security. Through a plethora of engaging and exciting events, such as “Growing Greens Workshop”, where members from Earthlink’s Gardening portfolio will be showing participants how to turn recyclable materials like plastic bottles into self-watering planters, in which edibles can be planted and grown. This event was well-received and garnered 17 participants total with participants commenting they left with a heightened sense of knowledge on the type of edibles that can be planted and grown. Meatless Monday was a huge success for it generated about 1000 participants who came together collectively and created a huge impact as a result. 
Many exciting events also occurred during the second week for Biodiversity & Conservation with “Pulau NTU”! This year’s theme highlights how rich our campus biodiversity is through various fun activities! We opened our week with “Our Campus In Nature Dialogue” session with our Guest-Of-Honour, Mr Desmond Lee as we tackled island-wide biodiversity discussion. We also had an exhibition that lasted the whole of March month at the North Spine Sky Deck, accompanied by the Research Symposium: Conservation Conversation. Workshops like “Wildlife 101” and “Strays and Pets” taught participants how to care for biodiversity around campus when we encounter them in our everyday lives! Hope our participants left learning something new! We also had “Learn Through Play ” where our participants played games and learned more about ecosystems! “AdveNTUre Walks” also introduced many more ecosystems around campus to those who joined us in campus-wide walks.
Lastly, for Sustainable Living Week, the highlights for the week features the Bring Your Own! Campaign, The Plastic Project Learning Journey (TPP) and Earth Hour! These events had garnered quite a great level of responses and participation from the audience with Bring Your Own! Campaign generated about 107 participants, The Plastic Project Learning Journey (TPP) generated about 25 responses and lastly, Earth Hour! had garnered an estimated 1300 participation rate! Not only that, we had fun but informative workshops like Repair Hacks Project and Alt.native Upcycling Refashioning Workshop where participants learnt how to give their computers and clothes a second chance! We also had a Linkway Exhibition where we invited 8 external organizations to join our exhibition! Clean Beach Campaign also lasted for a month from 26 February where we engaged 71 participants!
Earthlink would like to give official thanks to these external organisations for Food Sustainability Week, namely, Centre for a Responsible Future, Fine Food, Java Eco Project, iVegan, Wolf + Wald, Veganuary, The Social Space, Bright Green, Indosole, susGain, Earth Society, OMNI, Olive Oil, Ergo, WhatIF Foods, Growth & Opportunities, Green Monday, ALPHA biofuels, Urban Origins, Nanyang Technological University The Department of Food Science & Technology, Ashland, Soil Social, Panasonic, Asian School of The Environment, Sophie’s Bionutrients, insectta, The Food Bank Singapore Ltd, NTU Food Science & Technology Society. We would also like to give our official thanks to these external organisers for NTU Biodiversity Week, namely, Minister for National Development and Minister-in-charge of Social Services Integration Mr Desmond Lee, Professor Kwok Kian Woon Associate Vice-President (Wellbeing) NTU Singapore, Associate Professor Valerie Du Toit-Low Deputy Associate Provost (Residential Education) NTU Singapore, Dr Vilma D’Rozario Director of Singapore Wildcat Action Group and Former Associate Professor at NIE NTU Singapore, Dr Shawn Lum President of Nature Society Singapore and Senior Lecturer of Asian School of The Environment NTU Singapore, ACRES, Herpetological Society of Singapore, ASE Club, Jane Goodall Institute, Hamster Society Singapore, Mandai Nature, treatsure, NSEA, Nanyang Technological University Singapore Sustainability Office, West Coast CCC, West Coast CCMC, Residents’ Network, West Coast, Passion Cares Event, Our Singapore Reefs, Singapore Birds Project, SIngapore Pangolin Working Group, Singapore Wildcat Action Group and Singapore Youth Voices For Biodiversity. 
Lastly, for the Sustainable Living Week, we would like to give our official thanks to IMPOSSIBLE, alt, PUB, susGain, Chopvalue, Inter-University Environmental Coalition (IUEC), SGP Foods, The Plastic Project, Green Monday, SAVE, SiloamXperience, Project Blue Wave, National Parks, Nanyang Technological University, NTU SCUBA, National University of Singapore Department of Geography, National University of Singapore Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions, NTUCMN, GreenSparks, NTU University Scholars Programme and Reef Ecology Study Team (REEF). We express our greatest gratitude towards these amazing organisations for making GFG 2022 successful! 

Photo from “Growing Greens” workshop

Photo from “Refashioning Workshop”

Photo from “Repair Hacks” workshop

Screenshot from “Strays and Pets” workshop

Photo of trash collected from Beach Cleanup session

Picture from ”AdveNTUre Walks”

Screenshot of “Our Campus In Nature Dialogue” session
Week 2
Many exciting events also occurred during the Biodiversity & Conservation Week with “Pulau NTU”! This year’s theme highlights how rich our campus biodiversity is through various fun activities! We opened our week with “Our Campus In Nature Dialogue” session with our Guest-Of-Honour, Mr Desmond Lee as we tackled island-wide biodiversity discussion. We also had an exhibition that lasted the whole of March month at the North Spine Sky Deck, accompanied by the Research Symposium: Conservation Conversation. Workshops like “Wildlife 101” and “Strays and Pets” taught participants how to care for biodiversity around campus when we encounter them in our everyday lives! Hope our participants left learning something new! We also had “Learn Through Play” where our participants played games and learned more about ecosystems! “AdveNTUre Walks” also introduced many more ecosystems around campus to those who joined us in campus-wide walks. We also had an online challenge “Pulau NTU”! Did you managed to catch the amazing race, “NTU explorer”? Earthlink hopes that we were able to introduce the rich diversity that NTU has to offer!

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