Recycling Drive 2014/15 Semester 2

Date: 9th – 10th May 2015
Venue: Halls of Residence and Examination Halls

Today, mankind faces many environmental challenges, including global warming and the gradual depletion of fossil fuels. In the short term, each of us can contribute in dealing with these challenges by practicing the 3Rs  Reduce, Reuse and Recycle  which help to reduce waste.

Twice a year, at the end of each semester, Earthlink NTU conducts Recycling Drives to promote the crucial practice of recycling, one of the 3Rs. Generally, the objective is to both raise awareness among NTU students regarding the practice of recycling as well as fostering the habit of recycling things instead of throwing them away. The Recycling Drives are conducted at the end of semesters to help students properly dispose of no-longer-wanted papers and notes after the exam period, as well as clear out other unwanted things when vacating their rooms (after the 2nd Semester each year).

From before the exam period to May 11, a total of 13 large green recycling bins were positioned at strategic locations around NTU, for hall residents to deposit their recyclable items. The types of items sought included paper, plastic bottles, glass containers, metal cans and unwanted clothing (clean and dry items only).

Earthlink also carried out door-to-door collections of the relevant recyclable items at NTU s halls of residence on 9th May, from 11am to 4pm. Aside from on-the-spot collection, visiting the hall residents also provided the opportunity to remind them of the presence of the large green bins that had been placed around NTU where they could deposit their recyclable items. It was heartening to note that many of the bins were well-filled, indicating good response levels for the Recycling Drive.

All in all, Earthlink managed to collect an impressive 1.8 tonnes (1 tonne = 1000kg) of recyclable materials through the Recycling Drive. The collected materials were handed over to 800 Super, a local company which provides waste management and recycling services, to be processed (sorting and recycling). 800 Super was also the provider of the large green bins used for the month-long collection of recyclable materials.

We hope that NTU students will continue to participate enthusiastically in Earthlink s future Recycling Drives and also do their part for the environment in other avenues.

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