Join the Family! :)

Join us!

If you have missed the membership sign-ups during our Welcome Week, fret not! Simply follow the 2 step procedure here to become part of the Earthlink family for AY2023 – 2024!

1. Click on the sign-up button and fill in the form!

2. Once you have submitted the form and are informed by the Earthlink committee, you’re officially part of the Earthlink family! 🙂

The membership lasts for 1 year, so do remember to renew your membership at the start of every academic year! 🙂


It’s free 🙂

Here are the various capacities in which you can be involved in the club’s activities!

There are positions of different commitment levels and scopes, choose one that fulfils your desires and hopes! 🙂


Love the environment, but have too much on hand already?


1. Join any of our events

2. Enjoy activities organised by the different portfolios

3. Added to our mailing list, where we will keep you updated with the latest club events

Application period

We accept membership applications all year round!


Love organising nature and sustainability-related activities for your peers?

Looking to forge deep relationships with a close circle of friends?


1. Involved in the planning and execution of their own portfolio activities

2. Spending a year with your club-mates working on projects that you all have interest in

Application period

Our sub-committee recruitment drive (SCRD) typically happens in August, the week after our Annual General Meeting!

Do look out for our announcements on all our publicity channels!

Management Committee

Relish challenges and want to lead your team? Then becoming a management committee member will suit you well! 😀


1. Leading individual portfolios

2. Form link between the many different portfolios Earthlink NTU has

3. Management committee meetings, once a month

4. Organise meetings with sub-committee

Application period

The management committee will be chosen directly by the director during the subcomm recruitment drive interview! You can mention your interest to join the management committee during the interview itself.

Candidates will have to make a 2-minute speech covering the plans and aspirations they have for the portfolio they are interested in.

Then, a vote will be conducted by the meeting attendees and the candidate will have to garner sufficient votes to be elected as the portfolio’s director.

Click here to find out more about the different portfolios the club has and find one that you will be interested in!

Executive Committee

Have a clear vision of how environmental groups in Singapore should conduct their activities? Feel a strong desire to lead the club to greater heights? Then becoming an EXCO could be the ideal option for you!


1. Oversees all Earthlink activities

2. Besides attending the main committee meeting and scrutinising each portfolio’s plans, they will have their own EXCOs meeting to discuss the club’s strategic aims and direction.

3. Take part in quarterly discussions with other environmental clubs during the Joint University Environment Conference.

Application period

The selection procedure is similar to that of the management committee members. 🙂

Earthlink NTU Volunteer Members Scheme (AY 21/22)

Earthlink NTU will be opening ad hoc volunteering opportunities
where NTU students and staff not part of Earthlink’s committees can contribute
and volunteer for Earthlink NTU’s events, activities, and projects to expand
accessibility of environmental issues and communities and create more capacity
and support for our work.


All NTU students
(undergraduate/postgraduate) and staff are eligible to participate in this

Earthlink members will be given
priority over non-Earthlink members.

Volunteering opportunities

Volunteering opportunities will
be ad hoc and subject to availability and practicability of engaging volunteers,
and support required for Earthlink’s projects/activities.

Volunteering opportunities will
be proposed and hosted by various Earthlink’s subcommittees.

Benefits structure

Volunteers will receive
preferential and priority access to Earthlink’s events and activities, similar
to Earthlink’s members.

For volunteers whom a
non-academic transcript is applicable, Earthlink NTU will ensure their specific
contributions as volunteers as recorded.

For volunteers whom
hall/student life points are applicable, Earthlink NTU will award student life
points to volunteers in recognition of their efforts and contributions at the
end of the academic year.

The point allocation system is
as follows:

Volunteer participation/contribution

Hall/ Student life points awarded

Volunteering on any 3 instances


Volunteering a total approximate time
contribution of 10 hours or more over the academic year


[1] Examples of one instance includes volunteering for a few hours at
an Earthlink event/booth engaging NTU students, volunteering professional
services (photography/design/emceeing/hosting a workshop) for a few hours, etc.

Earthlink NTU reserves the right to vary or
withhold benefits as deemed necessary (e.g., in case of volunteers that do not
contribute, etc.). All outcomes will be clearly communicated to all relevant

Scheme administration

·        Volunteering opportunities,
when made available, will be publicized on

a.      Earthlink’s website,

b.     Instagram account,

c.      monthly newsletter,

d.      and communicated to all Earthlink members via email sent by the Honorary General Secretary (HGS).

·         The scheme will be jointly administrated by the subcommittee’s leadership (Director/Deputy Director/Chairperson/Co-Director) (hereafter referred to as “the subcommittee”) under which the opportunity is offered, and the HGS.

a.       The subcommittee will be responsible and liable for onboarding, managing, tracking volunteer contributions, working with volunteers, and the welfare of volunteers.

b.      The HGS is responsible and liable for keeping an updated database of all volunteers and all volunteering activity under this scheme, allocating hall/student life points accordingly at the end of each Academic Year, as well as ensuring contributions are recorded in the non-academic transcript of volunteers wherever applicable.

·         Process of opening a volunteering opportunity

a.       When deciding to open a volunteering opportunity, the subcommittee should be clear about expectations and roles of volunteers, a target number of volunteers to recruit, an approximate time commitment over the academic year, and other relevant details.

b.      Once the subcommittee has decided on opening an opportunity, it should be proposed to their respective Vice-President to receive endorsement.

c.       Once endorsed, the subcommittee should notify the HGS, and pass publicity materials to both the HGS and the Publicity & Publications subcommittee for advertisement via the abovementioned four channels. There is no fixed recruitment platform for volunteers, and the subcommittee can employ whatever platform is most suitable.

d.      Once volunteers are recruited, the subcommittee should inform the HGS, and the HGS should collect the volunteers’ relevant details.

e.      At the end of the volunteering stint, the subcommittee should update the HGS on the contributions of each volunteer.

·         Avenues of recourse for volunteers

a.       In case of any disputes, difficulties, or challenges faced while volunteering where volunteers are unable to or is uncomfortable with resolving the issue directly with the subcommittee volunteers are encouraged to approach any Earthlink NTU Executive Committee member for assistance.

§  President:

§  Vice President (Support):

§  Vice President (Events):

§  Vice President (Campaigns):

§  Vice President (Projects):

§  HGS:

§  Honorary Treasurer: