A Reflection on Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia

Spiritual Reading

“As this Exhortation has often noted, no family drops down from heaven perfectly formed; families need constantly to grow and mature in the ability to love. This is a never-ending vocation born of the full communion of the Trinity, the profound unity between Christ and his Church, the loving community which is the Holy Family of Nazareth, and the pure fraternity existing among the saints of heaven. Our contemplation of the fulfilment which we have yet to attain also allows us to see in proper perspective the historical journey which we make as families, and in this way to stop demanding of our interpersonal relationships a perfection, a purity of intentions and a consistency which we will only encounter in the Kingdom to come. It also keeps us from judging harshly those who live in situations of frailty. All of us are called to keep striving towards something greater than ourselves and our families, and every family must feel this constant impulse. Let us make this journey as families, let us keep walking together. What we have been promised is greater than we can imagine. May we never lose heart because of our limitations, or ever stop seeking that fullness of love and communion which God holds out before us.” (Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia, page 255)

The following video provides quotes from the 256-page document that was based on the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015. Please press pause if you want to read each quote completely.

 The document ends with a touching prayer, which also reminds us of the value of family.

Posted by: Edson C. Tandoc Jr.

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