ACIES 2015 (21st March)

I am all yours,
my Queen, my Mother,
all that I have is yours
Oops! Hehe…
+ Eric… 
That orange glow radiating from their faces!

“Father, teach me how to be holy like you.”

The beautiful ladies from the NUS LOM Praesidium

Willcyn  and Felix

Legionaries gone “wild”

“Hey… is that a Yeo’s drink? – Stevi

Jeremy from the Mandarin Praesidium (also an NTU student) and our beloved Luan

Yeo’s model

Beautiful smile ladies 🙂

Show the camera some love people!

That’s the way!


The Legionaries from NTU
Legionaries from NUS

Legionaries from MHL
“Can I have…” – An
Eric 🙂

Now… the beautiful ladies from NTU

The boys from NTU… looking much better than the girls. Hehehe.

Funny faces everyone!
Beautiful flowers in St. Ignatinus

Be it done to me according to your word. My beloved Mother and our brother Jesus!

Please take a sit and enjoy nature.

The last but never the least. The source of our Life, Jesus.