Karaoke outing

Especially for Gibran who is most of the time late for meetings. Hehehe.
Gibran: I’m sorry guys that I am late. I have a meeting with my professor.
Everyone: It’s too late to apologise.
An going crazy with this song from One Direction.

Ika is too shy the start the karaoke with the famous song from the Black Eye Peas. She wants her dear Felix to sing with her, but he is also shy. Wah lau, damn lousy like you Felix.

Felix rooted to the couch, singing his song.

The duo of Edson and Wilson singing the world famous, “I don’t want to miss a thing” by Aerosmith.

I’m yours

Making of the Legion Of Mary video

Our dear Vice President of Maria Dolce, Ika, is asked what is it about the Legion Of Mary that she likes. In this video, she articulates her thoughts and feelings.
Ika Bloopers #1
Ika couldn’t contain her laughter as she saw Lucy (at the back of the camera) laughing at her.

Ika Bloopers #2
Lucy disturbing Ika.
Ika Bloopers #3
Ika couldn’t find the right words.

Now, we have the Ex-Vice President of Maria Sperante, Miss Violette Vo, to answer, “What do the Legion Of Mary do?”
Gibran’s turn! Gibran has some difficulties looking at the camera. So Gibran, what is the Legion Of Mary?
Gibran Bloopers #1
Lucy strikes again when she laughs out from nowhere.