Emerging opportunities in SERS: analyte manipulation and hybrid materials

Emerging opportunities in SERS: analyte manipulation and hybrid materials

Scientists in NTU have identified promising strategies to improve surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), namely via analyte manipulation and creating hybrid SERS platforms. Headed by Ling Xing Yi at NTU’s School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the group has shown that these two techniques are emerging strategies to address limitations found in traditional SERS platforms. These findings were reported in November 2018 in the journal Chemical Society Reviews.

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Meet WorldSkills Singapore gold medalist, Ng Zi Xuan!

Ng Zi Xuan, currently a fourth year Chemistry and Biological Chemistry (CBC) undergraduate in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), won the Gold medal in Chemical Laboratory Technology at WorldSkills Singapore 2018. She went on to represent Singapore in the WorldSkills Competition in Kazan, Russia in August 2019. We spent some time with Zi Xuan where she generously shared her WorldSkills experience.

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NTU Physics students at the 2019 PLANCKS competition

In May 2019, a team of four students from NTU participated in the PLANCKS competition, an annual international physics competition. This year, the competition was organized by the University of Southern Denmark and took place in Odense, Denmark. The NTU team placed 11 out of 34. Congratulations to all team members!

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