Project Yusra 2016 comprised of three components, each reaching out to a different beneficiary group.
At the MIJ Education Hub, mentally challenged students were given the opportunity to attend an interactive first aid course specially tailored for them, to learn a useful life skill that can be applied anywhere and anytime. For youths-at-risk at the Pertapis Children’s Home, interactive activities were planned out for them in the month of Ramadhan, to impart moral and religious values for them to be better individuals in future.
The highlight of this year’s Project Yusra however, was Raya Revamp 2016.
Into its second year of collaboration between NTU Muslim Society (NTUMS) and the Marine Parade CC Malay Activity Executive Committee (MAEC), this initiative saw a total of 175 volunteers from various tertiary institutions as well as youth groups from local mosques come together to revamp the homes of families living in the Marine Terrace rental blocks. Over two days, 10 homes were spruced up and given a fresh coat of paint in preparation for Hari Raya celebrations.
Though the students started out with the intention to help the less privileged, organising this effort provided them a wealth of opportunities to learn life lessons such graciousness, empathy and selflessness and the many different forms they take. This is Ramadhan – helping and serving others in need.
My friends and I helped to paint Ms Rabiah’s house. Ms Rabiah lives alone and she really appreciates our effort. I was touched that she invited us over to her house for Hari Raya. I hope that this initiative can be expanded to cover more needy families in future, seeing that the response for this event was overwhelming.
Karlina Jubri, Student Volunteer
NTUMS is run by students from NTU and National Institute of Education (NIE). NTUMS places great importance in helping the disabled, elderly, disadvantaged children and the poor. Its humanitarian wing, PELITA (People Expressing the Light of Islam Through Actions) has been organising both international and local projects since 2006. Project Yusra is one of the local humanitarian projects under PELITA. Yusra, which means relief or blessing in Arabic, is chosen in line with their goal to contribute back to the community.