Learning computer programming was made enjoyable and easy for a group of enthusiastic students at Juying Seconday School. Over five weeks, students from the NTU Computer Engineering and Science Club organised the Python Programming Workshop for the Youth.

The workshops were designed to help students learn and review basic Python programming skills and appreciate the beauty of programming. A total number of 20 secondary school students and 20 student volunteers participated in the workshops. Having achieved some competency in programming, the young ones were able to build and demonstrate a simple Hangman game.

Through this community project, it is with much hope that this will pique the youths’ interest in programming and even act as a platform for NTU students to mentor and guide them.

Never underestimate what the youth can do.
Jiaxiang, Student Volunteer


About NTU Computer Engineering and Science Club

NTU Computer Engineering and Science Club is the constitutional club of School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE). It represents the students in SCSE, offering academic support, student welfare and organizing student events.

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