A team of 20 students from the School of Computer Science and Engineering embarked on a service-learning project, known as Project Hello World, to Nounmixay Village, Laos from 18 May to 3 June 2019.

This project was part of the Mega School Project II, a two-year joint project with several other NTU teams which began its course in 2018 and is expected to be completed this year (2019). Project Hello World dedicates its efforts to build a school from scratch for the upper secondary students in the village, as the current nearest school is 18km away. In a village with poor public transport options, building a school nearer to them will maximise convenience for the students and encourage them to seek the education that they deserve.

The team had also conducted enrichment lessons such as teaching English, Arts and Crafts, and Science to the children of the village. The lesson’s objective was to increase the children’s proficiency in the English language as well as to pique their interest in learning through exposure to different subjects. The English lessons were conducted in an interactive manner, allowing the children to actively participate through communicating in English.

Project Hello World was a unique and challenging experience for the team. Having to adapt to different living conditions and to overcome language barriers pushed the team members past their comfort zones. Volunteering in Laos gave the team an opportunity to see the world through new eyes as well as to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. Having been on the ground and to experience such a different lifestyle compared to the comfortable, privileged life in Singapore, taught the team members to develop an appreciation and compassion for others.

The trip was an enriching and fulfilling experience, amplifying the truth of the saying about volunteering — that when you give, you receive much more in return.

“Having interacted with the villagers as well as limiting our own usage of mobile phones, it made me appreciate the simple things in life.” Marcus Cheong, Programmer


About Computer Science and Engineering Club

Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Club consists of students from 3 different majors, namely – Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. It aims to enrich the students life, provides welfare and help for the students of SCSE.

This is one of the special projects under CSE Club that provide SCSE students with the opportunity to participate in service-learning project overseas.