Freshmen Orientation Programmes are not only for new students to meet one another, NTU-University Scholars’ Programme (NTU USP) proved that it is also an invaluable platform to engage with the less privileged communities.

On 22 July 2019, USP members took a day out from their orientation programme to hold a carnival for seniors from disadvantaged backgrounds, at Chai Chee Avenue. This annual carnival was in collaboration with Sunlove and Filos Community Services – non-profit social service organisations that strive to empower less privileged individuals and families.

70 volunteers – a bulk of them are freshmen and some seniors – came together to set up eight games around the neighbourhood. Espousing the carnival theme of healthy living, the stations included modified sports such as basketball, golf and darts. These sports brought out the competitive spirit and fun-loving side of the elderly participants. While some volunteers headed the station games, others took on the role of befrienders and assisted less physically-abled seniors during the games.

Upon completion of the games, the elderly from Sunlove were invited to sit back and relax as the volunteers from NTU and Filos Community Services prepared songs and performances. A Zumba dance led by NTU USP freshmen was popular among the elderly as they good-naturedly followed the dance moves and waved their arms enthusiastically.

As the day drew to a close, the volunteers gave out packets of food to satiate the hunger from the day’s activities. This unique orientation activity marked a memorable start to these freshmen’s first step into university.

“Freshmen Orientation Programme CIP was a very fulfilling experience, as I got to really interact with the residents in a way that I was not able to do so during other CIPs. I felt that we really did make an impact that day, and it was really heart-warming to see that the elderly had enjoyed themselves too!” Tan Hsien En, Participant


About Social Service Project (SSP)

The Social Service Project (SSP) committee aims to encourage NTU-USP scholars to be more involved in serving the wider community. Through meaningful events planned by the committee for their beneficiaries, the committee strive to inspire scholars to realise that small collective actions can bring about a huge positive difference to the lives of those they serve.