Hoping to cultivate the love of reading among children aged 4 to 7, NTU’s Rotaract Club hosted Fun Classrooms, a project that aimed to provide a conducive reading environment for underprivileged children. 14 volunteers collaborated with the Brickland People’s Association to carry out two sessions in March 2021 for 28 children, providing an avenue for them to do craftwork and learn. The 28 students were split over two sessions to adhere to safe-distancing regulations.
The first part of each session starts off with icebreakers, where the children will be asked to draw their favourite cartoon or animal on mahjong paper, giving the volunteers the chance to engage them. The volunteers will also carry out arts and craft activities, such as origami-making of frogs and dogs, with the participants.
To create interest and encourage good reading habits, volunteers will pick out stories with good moral values, such as honesty and taking care of one’s own hygiene, and print them for the children. The volunteers will spend part of the sessions reading these stories to the children. They will also prepare bookmarks that emphasised the desired values as gifts for the children at the end of the session.
Although further sessions were canceled due to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), the volunteers received positive feedback from the children and their parents for the sessions conducted. Some also requested that the volunteers to make Fun Classrooms a regular weekly project with Brickland People’s Association in the future.
I had such a great time teaching the kids. I wish this programme can continue in the long run as I would definitely volunteer again. Lyvia Koey, Honorary Treasurer
About NTU Rotaract Club
The Rotaract Club of NTU is part of a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the rest of the world, beginning at the community level. It aims to serve and improve the welfare and skills of its members. The Club is supported by seven divisions – comprising the Club Service, Community Service, International Service, Youth Development, Professional Development, Business and Finance, and Publicity and Publication.