A brainchild by the residents of NTU Banyan Hall, Project Hikoki was an Overseas Community Engagement Project (OCEP) aimed to construct an aquaponics farm for sustainable agriculture in the Don Benito village; and provide education for the students of Don Benito Elementary School. Specifically, the team was tasked with the first phase of aquaponics construction in Don Benito which involved the planning, procurement of materials, and building of foundations for the farm.
Over the course of 14 days, the team managed to procure most of the materials required that were available in the area that was required for the project, as well as edit and plan the aquaponics farm blueprints based on the available space. Moreover, the members were able to create a concrete bed, supporting tank structures, filter tank structures, support structures and aquaponic structures for the farm.
Other than construction, the team also provided education opportunities. Even though there were changes in the team’s education plan, the members still managed to achieve education objectives of introducing the Singapore teams to the school, sharing cross-culture experiences, playing sports, and teaching subjects such as Science and Arts and Crafts (bead-making).
I have gained insights into the workings of an aquaponics system as well as the way of life of the villagers there. It was an eye opening experience as we get to experience a diverse culture. I have also realized that simplicity can also mean happiness as one can learn to appreciate the simplest things in life. Shirleen Giam, Participant
About Project Hikoki
This project is part of Binjai Community Engagement Project (BCEP), which is a student-led initiative that provides Binjai Hall residents with opportunities to challenge themselves, and give back to the community through local initiatives and overseas projects.