Social Change Project (SCP) is a new initiative by Hall 15 JCRC that replaces their previous local community service project. While the main goal of past community service projects was to give back to the community and the less privileged through small acts of kindness, the goal of SCP is to address social issues in Singapore and think of creative, long-term ideas that will help bring about change. Throughout the entire course of the project, the planning team hope to help youths understand how social change relates to both their lives and the communities’. In addition, they would also like to encourage people to become part of social change movements for issues that are important to them.
This year, the SCP committee addressed the issue of discrimination against migrant workers. Despite playing a significant role in our community both culturally and economically, migrant workers tend to be socially stigmatised – for example, wage exploitation, poor living conditions, low welfare and prejudice from Singaporeans. The committee teamed up with SDI Academy, an ed-tech social enterprise that designs and deliver high-quality courses to migrant workers, in an attempt to help them assimilate into the mainstream community.
Over the course of the year, there were two events planned with clients of SDI Academy, and it allowed student volunteers to engage with the migrant worker community, break down barriers and gain awareness about the day-to-day issues they face.
The first event was based around Iftar. The event was held on 3 June 2018 at the Worker’s Recreation Centre where all workers in the area were invited to break fast with student volunteers, engage in games and participate in a basic language class. One of the student volunteer feedback that this was an eye opening event, as it really showed her a side of the community which she never knew or seen before. For the non-muslims, it was also a learning experience to the ritual of breaking fast.
The second event was a graduation ceremony held on 11 November 2018 for the students of SDI Academy. This was an initiative by the planning committee to help Migrant Workers celebrate the success of completing the course. The team also planned a mini carnival with various recreational games and catered a dinner to celebrate the occasion. This was followed by the graduation ceremony where certificates were handed out to all the students.
Watch the project highlights below:
Watch interviews with student volunteers:
“I have learnt a lot from leading the committee together with my partner and also organising the events together as a group. There is a lot we can learn from the Migrant workers in terms of humility and kindness as that is what they have showed us at both events. I have a new found respect for them as well as the work that they do.” Annabelle Lee, Co-Chairperson
About NTU Hall of Residence 15
An initiative of Hall 15, Social Change Project aims to address social issues and think of long-term ideas that will bring about change. The project team hope to create an impact among youths where they will be more aware of social issues, and how one can lend a hand to bring about positive change.