The processing of plastic waste products has a significant impact on the environment. Most plastics are not degradable and they will remain where they are discarded until they are cleared up. In a July 2018 study by Singapore Environment Council, the results revealed that Singapore uses at least 1.76 billion plastic items a year (or almost one plastic item per person per day), but less than 20% is recycled.
Last year, NTU implemented some green initiatives on cutting down usage of plastic such as the stoppage of distributing drinking straws at KFC to diners. Other initiatives include a fee being imposed per plastic bag given out at all campus events, retail and food outlets.
As NTU furthers its intention to be more eco-friendly, MAE Club Special Projects implemented Inventa to instill a recycling bag sharing culture in NTU. By inviting MAE students to build a recyclable bag dispenser machine, participants had the chance to try hands on skills (such as hammering, sawing, drilling which are not heavily emphasised in MAE courses) while spreading the green message.
MAE Club Special Projects introduced a bag dispenser at NTU North Spine Plaza for students to conveniently take a bag for self-use and storing groceries from Prime Supermarket. Students who took these bags were highly encourage to return it to the same place after using, in order for the next user to benefit from this initiative.
“Following several green initiatives worldwide, we intend to instill a commodity sharing culture amongst students in hope of reducing plastic waste. It is important that NTU students play a part in protecting our environment. Despite the implementation of an imposed fee to plastic bags issued on campus, the recyclable bag dispenser machine has potential to significantly further reduce the number of plastic bags used, if proven to be successful.” Canice Leung, Special Projects Officer
About Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Club (MAE Club)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Club (MAE Club) is an academic constituent club whose members are MAE undergraduates. The Club represent the interests of MAE students, and organise welfare and social activities to enrich their school life.
In July 2016, MAE Club set up a new committee to run the MAE Club Special Projects (SP) portfolio. It aims to provide a more holistic and well-rounded University experience for MAE students, through the organisation of community involvement programmes which incorporates relevant engineering skills and knowledge.