

Demonstrating the electric jigsaw on woodblock. Measuring the acrylic box. Surfacing finish improvements made on woodblocks. The recyclable bag dispenser is ready to be used! The processing of plastic waste products has a significant impact on the environment. Most...
Hackable 2.0

Hackable 2.0

Volunteers working together on assembly. Looking out for one another. Hackable is a project organised by the Special Projects Committee of the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Club. In Hackable 2.0, MAE students utilised their mechanical and technical skills...
Greening NTU – Ditch Da Disposables

Greening NTU – Ditch Da Disposables

I pledge to do my part! Small actions do matter, together we can make a change. This is how we do it! This is the story of Frankie the fork. Bringing your own container saves a lot more than you think When Mother Nature speaks using her natural forces, humans usually...
NTU Community Herb Garden

NTU Community Herb Garden

The NTU Community Herb Garden can be found beside the NTU logo at the Jalan Bahar entrance. The herb garden is home to more than 300 species of herbs. Volunteers making new paths for restructuring and expansion of the garden. This modest herb garden has also attracted...