Congratulations to the Class of 2009!

Convocation 2009 was held on 24th July. A total of 244 students graduated in the 2008-09 academic year:

M. Applied Sci.
M.Sc. Information Studies
M.Sc. Information Systems
M.Sc. Knowledge Management

Award winners:

  • Library Association Gold Medal (Information Studies): Leow Zheng Yu
  • LexisNexis Gold Medal (Information Systems): Mohamad Faizal Bin Abdolah
  • LexisNexis Gold Medal (Knowledge Management): Ku Yin Ling Evelyn

It was so nice to see graduates bringing their extended families, sometimes from distant countries, to celebrate together. We wish graduates the very best in their career. Please keep in touch with your former classmates and with the school.


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