Earth in the Balance

Earth in the Balance (Book)

Al Gore and his son, Albert Gore III. Image from: gettyimages

Al Gore and his son, Albert Gore III. Image from: gettyimages

When Al Gore’s son, Young Albert got into an accident, it caused Al Gore to reconsider the things he had accomplished and what he would like to accomplish in the future. It made him put not just his children into consideration but the other children as well. In the hospital room where his son was recovering, Al Gore began writing. He began writing about the issues that matter to him and this case was the well being of our planet Earth.

“ Gore began writing a book about the environmental issues he had studied. He wrote about a trip he had made years before to the South Pole. There, he had watched scientists measure the damage people had done to the Earth’s atmosphere. He wrote about a visit to the Amazon River in Brazil. The sky there was black with smoke from the burning rain forest. Gore also told of a slaughtered elephant he had seen in Africa. Its ivory tusks had been sawed out of its head by illegal hunters. “ – Rebecca Stefoff

Earth in the Balance. Image from:

Earth in the Balance. Image from:

The above excerpt was describing about how Al Gore started out on the book Earth in the Balance. It was an effort on his part to make people think about our earth and to change our nonchalant behaviors towards it. It further describes the world’s environmental predicament and also contains a range of policies to deal with the pressing issues on hand.

“ We must all become partners in a bold effort to change the very foundation of our civilization,” – Al Gore, Earth in the Balance

The book was then published in June 1992 and later on a New York Times bestseller