Memory Dispensing Machine (藝-味販賣機)


Memory Dispensing Machine explores the connection between experience and play. Using the vending machine as an avenue to create a marriage between consumer goods and education, bringing together people of all ages, pathing a way for strangers to connect over experiences.

With the use of glass bottles as a vessel to communicate significant events in history, the selected topic will be superimposed onto the bottle. This series features how worldwide events between the 1950s and 60s impacted and shaped Singapore’s social and cultural landscape. By exploring a new way of perceiving unorthodox education mediums – people can now get a glimpse into our local history with this project.

Tradition Is Young

The prevalence of Kueh’s in our society is slowly diminishing with the arrival of exciting and new foreign cuisine. As a result of this phenomemon of globalisation, the popularity of kueh’s has been in the decline as people are slowly detaching themselves from these traditional foods, while searching for the next new trend. 

I aim to reignite the excitement of kueh’s among the youths through the stories they carry, focusing on the visual aspect of these stories which carry much of the kueh’s symbolism and value. The visuals would paint a vivid picture, sparking a connection with uninterested youths as well as sharing the value and importance which kueh’s hold in our society. A series of new flavours would also be introduced to give kueh’s a fresh experience in contrast to the flavours which we have been used to. 

Beat The Heat (Anger Awareness Campaign)

With an increasing awareness of mental health on issues such as depression and anxiety, anger and aggression is a mental health condition that is receiving much less limelight. Research has shown that excessive and uncontrollable anger can contribute to violence and have many negative effects on our everyday relationship with others and with the society.

Through interviews with psychologist from Club Heal, a voluntary welfare organisation, and surveying young people about their thoughts on everyday anger, this project aims to highlight anger as a concern of mental health issue. Illustrating the various anger management strategies, it is hoped that these tools can assist users in learning and practicing these strategies on their own, when dealing with everyday heated situations.

The Unfaltering Paperplane

‘The Unfaltering Paperplane’ narrates from an introspective look of a person who’s living in times of pandemic sets in Singapore. Viewed through the lens of an emerging adult, the story reveals how Julia went through an emotional turmoil due to the loss of her loved one inviting readers to follow through her journey. This project hopes to allow readers to relate to, understand, and empathize with others facing different set of challenges during unprecedented time. Through storytelling approach, this project retell stories from participants gathered from surveys/interviews and illustrate the experiences. Self-care prompts will be present throughout the book to encourage readers to practice self-reflection and introspection. Discover as the story unfolds shared conversations that Julia had with people from all walks of life and how Julia came to terms with her difficulties in her journey.

Read e-book here:


The quest to find and figure out our real selves becomes an important aspect of our lives as we start to get older. What defines us? What makes us truly happy? With the external influences we have faced throughout our youth, it is difficult to decipher the lost and hidden parts of ourselves without first being self-aware. With that said, how do we express the intangible and complex concepts of the self and its awareness such that it can be more approachable and intriguing? Higher is a project that aims to visualize this intangible subject by conveying its ideologies through metaphorical spaces and narrative, such that the topic can be introduced in an alternative way.