
“Lili” is a 2D animated film about losing a loved one and processing grief with loved ones around you. The film follows the perspective of Tama, the short-haired girl who recluses herself after losing one of her dear friends, Lili, from a motorcycle accident. She recluses herself from her other friend, Cindy, who was also involved in the accident.


 is a slide-and-tap puzzle game where players navigate a character around nine tiles to collect ingredients and achieve objectives. It is a mobile game created for people waiting for their cup noodles to cook, which typically takes three minutes.


The goal for Saneryi was to design a project with achievable milestones within the time given.



Kaeru is a 2D animated short film about a young Japanese woman’s journey at breaking away from societal norms, inspired by a famous poem by Matsuo Basho. Bounded by the restrictiveness of Japanese society, Kokoro hesitates to make the decision of leaving the country to be with her lover. A guardian in the form of a frog watches over her, and gives the nudge that she needs.