Project Little Light

Fuelled by the need for social support and self-understanding in the navigation of young adult existentialism, Project Little Light hopes to encourage vulnerability and human connection through a four-part illustrated book series. By using design and visual metaphors as a medium of communication and connection, these books follow a semi-non-linear narrative and speak from a personal voice of vulnerability – with the aim of highlighting the process of unpacking and understanding the emotions of the past from childhood and teenage-hood.


Growing up submerged in reality, our experiences become increasingly saturated and blends into the mundane everyday. The sense of discovery is lost and with it our curiosity. However, it remains latent; waiting to be embraced again.

WonderWent is a collection of modular containers that seeks to rekindle curiosity in grown ups by inviting them to visually and spatially explore the product and space. Personal narratives are hidden through layers of pictograms, colours, and poems. As the seemingly wild and absurd connections bridging the layers linger on the mind, viewers are prompted to question internally to seek explanations.

When The Kids Come Out To Play

“When the kids come out to play” is a documentary exploring the traditional childhood games and the simplicity of the children from yesterday in Village Takpala and Takelelang in Pulau Alor, Indonesia.

  Through the collection of interviews from 2 different generations of villagers, we discover the differences and similarities of the children then and now and how technology and social media are slowly and steadily changing their ways, influencing them away from the traditional ways of playing.

  We are very grateful to Dr. Frantisek Kratochvil, Assistant Professor of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Nanyang Technological University), for giving us the opportunity to join him and his team to Pulau Alor.

  To make this documentary, we spent 2 weeks with the villagers. We were very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to film in a local primary/kindergarten school, join them in their annual traditional legolego dance under the full moon and participate in the exchange of knowledge.
  My group members had consisted of 2 other ADM Film students, Chew Jia Hui (U143060K) and Phoebe Zoe Ho (U1430645G), and a local Chinese Indonesian, David Setiwan, who is fluent in both Bahasa and English.

  An ADM graduate, Rachel Siao, who has directed the remarkable documentary: “Children of Monmot” in the same location for her final year project in 2015, was also there and she had provided great help for us in the information sourcing both before and during the shoot.