‘a-reum’ is a cultural design project inspired by traditional Korean art, symbols and motifs. a-reum explores a journey
through Korean heritage and a contemporary fashion adaptation, by delving into the intricate world of bojagis (wrapping
cloths). The designed bojagis act as a testament to the fusion of traditional motifs curated to encapsulate a distinct
visual ‘Korean-ness’ while bridging past and present, tradition and modern style.
[VOID.] offers an immersive VR experience by showcasing bold sartorial experiments in a dynamic 3D virtual realm. Through this interactive experience, users get to explore the potential of digital fashion and the virtual space, engaging with unconventional styling techniques and cutting-edge technology. Designers and creators can push the boundaries of what is possible in the virtual world, unveiling new ideas and concepts that may not be feasible in the physical realm.
The utilization of 3D Gaussian Splatting, the latest rendering technique, ensures the replication of clothing textures, fostering a deeper connection between users and digital garments. This experience offers viewers fresh perspectives and ideas, contributing to this rapidly evolving field.